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Facebook Marketing & Advertising Real-Life Results [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social Media marketing and advertising have been around a while now, and having helped several hundred clients in a variety of industries across the country with their strategies I see the results.

Years ago getting people to understand the importance and potential of Social Media was a challenge.  Recently, a local HVAC company that attended one of my seminars 10 years ago hired us to run their Facebook marketing and advertising campaigns.  He admitted that back then he was very skeptical.  He ended up entering into a contract with a big national company that packages websites, phone listings, and marketing.  Though he pays a premium for this it has not paid off.  After several years in this contract he finally called us and said he was ready to take his marketing and advertising on Facebook to the next level.  He made the right call!

Ten years ago companies were still heavily reliant on coupon mailers, the Yellow Pages, and direct mail marketing.  While direct mail marketing and coupon mailers are still relevant and generate some success, they do not compare to the results a Facebook campaign can generate.

Check out a sampling of one month for a few of our clients.  Local or international, the effectiveness of a small budget cannot be ignored.

There is no where else you can stay in front of this many people in your targeted market for the budget listed.  A postcard mailer is typically viewed once, unless it gets tucked away and is seen again a couple more times.  No other marketing and advertising medium can get you in front of a precisely targeted demographic ever day.

Take a look at some of the results from a few different businesses and when you are ready to take your marketing and advertising to the next level give us a call!

(These numbers do NOT include Google updates, blog posts, tweets, LinkedIn updates, YouTube videos, etc.  These numbers include Facebook Marketing and Advertising only.)

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